Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Your Best Possible Self

In my introductory message I mentioned some research I recently came across about writing about your best possible self. Laura King, a researcher at Southern Methodist University found that by writing about your best possible self in the future, you can feel significantly better both emotionally and physically.

Here’s how it works:  At least four times a week, spend 20 minutes imagining your life in the future. Think about what it would be like if everything had gone as well as possible. Imagine that you have accomplished all your life goals. Imagine that you have fulfilled your life dreams. Write down what you have visualized.

Imagine yourself being in the best possible health. How do you feel? How is your energy? How do you feel when you get up in the morning? Are you at your optimal weight? What does that feel like? Are you exercising regularly? How does your body feel? How do you feel in your body?

Relationships, Family, and Friends:
Imagine yourself being in the relationships you have always dreamed about. Are you with a significant other? Or are you enjoying the solitude of living on your own? Do you have children? Grandchildren? How are things going with your children. What are relationships like with members of your family? Do you have friends who care about you and friends you care about? Are you on good terms with those people important to you?

Work and Professional Life:
Are you doing work you love? Does it feel like you are doing the work you are here to do? Is your work satisfying? Do you have an opportunity to continuously learn and grow in your field? Do you have good relationships with colleagues, business associates, and co-workers?

Spiritual Life:

Are you happy with your spiritual life? Do you feel at peace with yourself? Do you feel supported by something beyond yourself? Do you feel as though you are on your true life’s path?

Are your finances in good order? Are your bills paid and are you debt-free? Have you made wise investments? Do you feel comfortable with what you have; are you able to live the lifestyle you desire?

Leisure Time and Recreation: 
Do you take time for yourself to vacation and play? Do you have sufficient down time? Do you do quality activities in your leisure time? Is your leisure time balanced with work? 

These are only suggestions to spark your imagination. If you are up for the challenge this month, take about 20 minutes a day, three or four times a week and spend some time imagining how it would feel to look back having lived the life of your dreams. In the next four weeks, notice if your feelings change in any way.

Have fun!

Take good care,


If you find yourself wanting some support or help in discovering your best self, contact me for an informative discovery session via phone or in person. Phone (800) 552-WRITE, that's (800) 552-9748 or write to me at to find out more.

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