It’s not that I woke up one morning and thought, “That’s it, no more journaling for me!” It was nothing like that. It was more like, “I’ll get to it as soon as I finish my essay (or paper, or book chapter, or…).” It was like, “I’m doing so much other writing (or studying or reading) I can’t do any journaling.” And, it was like, “I just don’t have the energy to do any journaling.”
It was subtle, at first. I began to notice that something was wrong but it was nothing I could put my finger on. I noticed that I felt slightly out of sorts and easily annoyed. Then I noticed a feeling of restlessness; I couldn’t seem to settle down or get comfortable within myself. I began to notice that my afternoon power naps were becoming longer and longer. Finally, I was able to identify the culprit -- low level depression.
It occurred to me that in order to get out of this funk, I needed to do something, to create some kind of plan, or at least do something differently. One of the best ways of getting myself untangled and re-focused is, of all things…journaling. It wasn’t a question of whether or not I wanted to write; it was more an awareness that I needed to write. I simply could think of no better way to sort out my feelings and figure out what to do to feel better.
I began journaling for a few minutes in the morning, easing my way back. The next day I wrote for ten minutes. I began to feel a little bit better. This felt familiar, comfortable, like putting on a well-worn bathrobe. By the third day of journaling, I could feel the tension easing in my neck and shoulders. By the fourth day, I knew what this month’s article would be about. I even remembered one of my all-time favorite quotes about writing:
"I have forced myself to begin writing when I've been utterly exhausted, when I've felt my soul as thin as a playing card, when nothing has seemed worth enduring for another five minutes . . . and somehow the activity of writing changes everything."
---Joyce Carol Oates
If you find yourself with a case of the summertime blues, contact me for an informative discovery session via phone or in person. Phone (800) 552-WRITE, that's (800) 552-9748 or write to me at to find out more.
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